How to use magic wand tool to erase bubbles
How to use magic wand tool to erase bubbles

how to use magic wand tool to erase bubbles

Feather - The Feather's value defines how the edges of the object/selected area will look.Type Toolbar - With this toolbar it is possible to select the geometric form of the selection.With this tool is possible to select areas on a picture with geometric shapes like squares, rectangles, circles, ellipsis, arrows, stars, hearts and much more, or a combination of the above. With the selection tools it is possible to perform various operations, from simple tasks of selecting areas to more complex tasks such as selecting complex areas, separating an image from a background and more. The software's toolbox contains 3 main selection tools: the Standard (Geometric) Selection Tool, the Custom Selection Tool (which also combines a powerful tool called Magic Selection) and the Magic Wand. Additional functions related to selection are found under the Selections menu. In order to select an area on an image you may use one of three tools: Standard Selection, Custom Selection & Magic Wand. Controlling the selection tools and the selection functions is very important and essential to successful editing works (tasks, operations, etc.). After the selection operation, it is possible to edit the selection area, copy it, cut it, delete it, move (drag) it to another location, and many other operations. The part within the selection is called the Selection Area. The selected area is represented by a broken line called Marquee. The program contains many tools and functions that enable the selection of an area on the image. The possibility to perform operations only on certain parts of the images enables you to perform accurate editing operations only on those areas needed without having to change the rest of the image. In fact, this is one of the most common tasks in the digital processing (editing) of an image. In many cases, there is a need to perform operations only on certain parts of an image.


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  • how to use magic wand tool to erase bubbles

    Opening a Group of Pictures for Editing.Change Layer Position (Move Up,Down,Bottom,Top).Working with Pictures with Multiple Layers.Printing, Scanning And Importing Images.

    how to use magic wand tool to erase bubbles

  • Open, Save, Create New And Browse Images.
  • How to� (Quick guide for common tasks).

  • How to use magic wand tool to erase bubbles