There should be enough information about the CPUID flags to help narrow in on the problem. Attach the vmware.log file from the guest.Note please do not copy text into the message from some of these files, use the attachments feature when posting to upload the files. Now if you have a problem with this message please follow these instructions exactly so can analyse and potentially come up with a solution.

Just make sure if going from 10.6.0-10.6.2 you go directly to 10.6.4. IF you have a version before or after 10.6.3 then you should not have any problems. Unfortunately some of the retails DVDs are shipped as 10.6.3 which makes installing on one of these systems a PITA.
#Enable sound on mac os x vm pro#
In fact Apple re-issued 10.6.3 when the Macbook Pro and iMacs were shipped with 10.6.3. The issue is when you have a 10.6.3 version of Mac OS X, where there are specific issues with new CPUs. If you do not see this message please post in either of these topics depending on the way you are running VMware. Mac Son of Knife has already started some work on this but buried deep in other threads so this one is dedicated to this topic. You will need to power off or reset the virtual machine at this point. "The CPU has been disabled by the guest operating system. In an attempt to gather information and perhaps come up with a solution I want to start a new topic only for those that see the following message when starting Snow Leopard: There are issues with running Snow Leopard on VMware products with more modern CPUS such as Core i7.